S.E.A Creamation Blog

What If I Want To Donate My Body To Science Or Donate My Organ?

What if I want to donate my body to science? What a noble thing that you would like to do. Please be aware that different states and different medical schools have their own requirements, they are not the same from state to state and from medical school to medical school. It is very, very important that if this is what you want, as your disposition, that you investigate this with the medical school, and or your funeral professional, because they will have the answers for you.

Please be aware that in some areas, donating your body is not free. There are charges or fees to donate your body to the medical colleges. Also, there may be changes in what their requirements or needs are, when your death occurs. So what their requirements are today may not be the same as when you pass away. So it’s very, very important that you have some sort of plan in case there is some reason that your body will not be able to be donated to the medical college.

If you would like more information, please click the contact button located on the screen and our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you.