S.E.A Creamation Blog

Why Do I Need Death Certificates?

Certified death certificates are a legal document that state the specific vital statistics of the person who died. You need these documents in order to settle their estate. There are two types of certified death certificates. There are those that are with cause, which show the cause of death. These are also referred to as long forms. There are also those without a cause, which are referred to as short forms.

You need those types of death certificates the long forms or with cause in order to settle assets of a significant nature, such as life insurance policies, investments, transfer of real estate. You typically need short forms for transfer of title of cars, banks, credit cards, utilities, that sort of thing.

Your funeral director will create the death certificate and get it certified and we’ll help you to determine how many that you’ll need and they will order them for you. If you would like more information, please click the contact button on the screen and our knowledgeable staff will help you.